So after I had a girl, I asked The Doctor to make one for us.
![2009-11-06 13.49.09[1]](http://lh6.ggpht.com/_-FD9a92NLxk/SvSURPTBpNI/AAAAAAAADfc/0fFC9JYGetg/2009-11-06%2013.49.09%5B1%5D_thumb%5B4%5D.jpg?imgmax=800)
All you do is straighten a wire hanger, bend it to make a loop, and use tape to hold it together. It sometimes gets snagged in the hair, but with practice, you get better. We love using it, and making cute hairstyles with it.
For this hairstyle, I put the hair in a pony tail, used the topsy tail to turn it inside out, divided it into three sections, braided each section, then pulled them up and bobbypinned them in place. Super simple.

Here we did lots of inside out ponytails using it.

Finally, this is like the first one, but I did one big braid and then tucked it up underneath.

So go make one for your little girls and have fun! And I am more than willing to help you if you want!
With what do you straiten it with?
We just used our hands and pliers.
Thanks so much! I've been looking everywhere to find out how to make my own! Thanks!
do you have a tutorial on that last pic?!?!
the one with the braid?
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