So last night, we were up late because The Teenager is in the play at his junior high. So we didn't get home until 9:30. The Princess was very emotional because she was so tired. So after I tucked her in bed, I laid down beside her (which I can do now that she has a twin bed).

I sang all 4 verses of "I am a Child of God" to her and then was humming while I stroked her hair. I thought she was almost asleep, when she stirred.


"What?" thinking that she was going to say I love you or something equally sweet.

"What are baby piggies called?"


I answered "piglets" and she was content. Ah, the moments that make motherhood worth it! LOL


Debbie said... Reply To This Comment

That is so adorable! And you are right - those are the great moments.

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