What are your middle names?
The Doctor's is James and I don't have one. I hated that growing up. I was so excited to get married so I could use my maiden name as a middle name. Lame, I know.
How long have you been together?
17 years and 7 months.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
About 1 1/2 months.
Who asked whom out?
I asked him out to the girls' choice formal in October 1991. I got sick during supper and spent the evening throwing up in the bathroom at the dance. We couldn't leave because he had been asked to give the closing prayer. I know, I know, he could have asked someone else to fill in, but that's not how he thought.
How old are each of you?
I am 36, and The Doctor turns 40 in 3 weeks.
Whose siblings do you see the most?
Mine. The Doctor's family all lives out of state except one, and my family all live here in the valley.
Which situation is hardest on you as a couple?
Money. We are a lot alike, so when we get stressed, we spend and use the credit cards. So then we get more in debt and that stresses us out more.
Did you go to the same school?
Um, the same colleges!
Are you from the same home town?
Nope. He is from small town Idaho, and I lived in 4 different cities in 9 different houses.
Who is smarter?
Wow. Nothing loaded about that question. When we were first married, I would have said I was, but I later learned that he didn't have good grades because school wasn't emphasized in his house. He is extremely smart in different ways than I am. I would say we are equals.
Who is the most sensitive?
Again, I would say we are both equal. He has a very tender heart and I love him for that.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Texas Roadhouse and Applebee's.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
We went to Kansas City a few years ago for a drafting competition. His student took 2nd in the nation and we got a week's vacation without any kids! It was great.
Who has the craziest exes?
Neither. We haven't seen or heard from any since we got married.
Who has the worst temper?
Me. Definitely me.
Who does the cooking?
I do most, but he is amazing in the kitchen. He can get in the fridge and make a delicious meal with anything he finds in there.
Who is the neat-freak?
LMBO Definitely me!
Who is most stubborn?
I would have to say we are equal here as well.
Who hogs the bed?
We have a king-size bed, and so we pretty much stay to our own sides. I love it. Now, if you want to talk about hogging the blankets...
Who wakes up earlier?
He does on weekdays because he leaves for work at 6 a.m. I do on the weekends and I let him sleep in.
Where was your first date?
The girls' choice dance I mentioned earlier.
Who is more jealous?
How long did it take to get serious?
Well, we were engaged 3 1/2 weeks after our first date, so it didn't take very long!
Who does the laundry?
Me. He's not allowed to touch it anymore because he keeps shrinking my shirts!
Who's better with the computer?
Again, I would say we are pretty equal.
Who usually drives when you're together?
He does. He just naturally gets in the drivers seat. Most of the time I like that, but sometimes I want to drive. All I have to do is say something and he will move and let me drive. He is sweet that way.


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