from Working Momma 247 by Jean

1. What is something your mom always says to you?
The Teenager (age 15) : Go do your chores.
The Artist (age 12) : Clean your room.
The Chocoholic (age 10) : Do your chores.
The Princess (age 4) : I love you. 
Apparently The Princess hasn't entered the droning world of chores in our house yet!  LOL

2. What makes your mom happy?
The Teenager (age 15) : When they (the chores) are done.
The Artist (age 12) : Dad and love.
The Chocoholic (age 10) : When you say I appreciate you for doing stuff and give her hugs and kisses (Yes!  He got it down!).
The Princess (age 4) : I kiss her and hug her.

3. What makes your mom sad?
The Teenager (age 15) : When I yell at my brothers.
The Artist (age 12) : Fighting.
The Chocoholic (age 10) : When we argue and fight and talk back.
The Princess (age 4) : That I get in trouble.

4. What does your mom do to make you laugh?
Every one of them said tickle me.  I guess I tickle a lot!
5. What was your mom like as a child?
Again, they all said I don't know.  I guess it's time to talk about how perfect I was.  Yeah, right!

6. How tall is your mom?
The Teenager (age 15) : Smaller than me (And that is true and it's so sad!).
The Artist (age 12) : Almost the same height as me.  Well, I'm almost the same height as her.
The Chocoholic (age 10) : I don't know.
The Princess (age 4) : Like as tall as my grandma (Like, fer sure!).
7. What is your mom's favorite thing to do?
The Teenager (age 15) : Scrapbook
The Artist (age 12) : Scrapbook
The Chocoholic (age 10) : Her work
The Princess (age 4) : She likes to work
Yep, I like to work.  NOT.  It's just that's all I do anymore.
8. What does your mom do when you're not around?
The Teenager (age 15) : Work
The Artist (age 12) : Work, laundry
The Chocoholic (age 10) : Work or scrapbook
The Princess (age 4) : Work
This makes me sad.  Just does.
9. If your mom becomes famous what will it be for?
The Teenager (age 15) : Perseverance (Huh?).
The Artist (age 12) : Acting (Again, huh?).
The Chocoholic (age 10) : Being the best mom (Awwww).
The Princess (age 4) : When she gets married (LMBO!).
10. What is your mom really good at ?
The Teenager (age 15) : Getting us to do stuff we don't want to do. 
The Artist (age 12) : Piano.
The Chocoholic (age 10) : Her work.
The Princess (age 4) : Playing games.
11. What is your mom not very good at?
The Teenager (age 15) : I don't know.
The Artist (age 12) : Playing video games.
The Chocoholic (age 10) : I don't know.
The Princess (age 4) : Playing Candy Landy (her words) because sometimes she wins and sometimes I win (Too cute!).

12. What does your mom do for her job?
The Teenager (age 15) : Bank reconciliations.
The Artist (age 12) : Accoutant.
The Chocoholic (age 10) : Payroll and Taxes.
The Princess (age 4) : Work like Daddy.
All true!

13. What is your mom's favorite food?
The Teenager (age 15) : Lasagna? (He said it as a question.)
The Artist (age 12) : Chocolate
The Chocoholic (age 10) : Macaroni and Tomatoes
The Princess (age 4) : Macaroni and Cheese (Definitely not! That's her favorite).
14. What makes you proud of your mom?
The Teenager (age 15) : She never gives up. (I'm guessing this goes along with the perseverance thing.  I am going to have ask him more about this.)
The Artist (age 12) : She works, cooks, and does our laundry for us.
The Chocoholic (age 10) : She gives us hugs and kisses, loves us, takes us to school sometimes, and feeds us.
The Princess (age 4) : That she love me so much.
15. If your mom were a cartoon who would she be?
The Teenager (age 15) : Tigger (?)
The Artist (age 12) : Supergirl
The Chocoholic (age 10) : Jerry cause she hardly gets hurt (as in Tom and Jerry).
The Princess (age 4) : Tom and Jerry (They must have been watching Tom and Jerry just before I asked them these questions!  LOL).
16. What do you and your mom do together?
The Teenager (age 15) : Talk
The Artist (age 12) : Hardly anything (oops)
The Chocoholic (age 10) : Play games
The Princess (age 4) : Play
17. How are you and your mom the same?
The Teenager (age 15) : We kinda have the same interests.
The Artist (age 12) : I don't know (I think I might be dropping the ball with this kid!).
The Chocoholic (age 10) : We like to play games and we like chocolate.
The Princess (age 4) : We love each other.
18. How are you and mom different?
The Teenager (age 15) : We like different things (which contradicts his answer to #17.  I'm just saying...).
The Artist (age 12) : She's a girl and I'm a boy.
The Chocoholic (age 10) : She's an adult/girl/mom and I'm a kid/boy/not.
The Princess (age 4) : She wears glasses and I don't.
19. How do you know your mom loves you?
The Teenager (age 15) : She says so.
The Artist (age 12) : She kisses me and hugs me.
The Chocoholic (age 10) : She cares for us and loves us.
The Princess (age 4) : She kisses me and hugs me so much.
20. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
The Teenager (age 15) : Wal-Mart
The Artist (age 12) : Red Lobster (not anymore!)
The Chocoholic (age 10) : I don't know.
The Princess (age 4) : To the store.


Jean said... Reply To This Comment

This was fun to do and read! At least I don't feel so bad about the "working" parts. Sad they feel that way but yet it can't be prevented.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

so funny!!!

Devri said... Reply To This Comment

that was a fun post!

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