In 5 days I will officially have a child in high school, a child in junior high, a child in 5th grade, and a child in kindergarten.
I feel old. Really old. Where did the time go?
I love my boys. I really do. But now that I look back, they were so much easier to deal with 7 years ago. I thought it was so hard then and we had so many problems, but compared to what they are facing now and the temptations they have to deal with, I just wish I could go back in time and tell my old self to enjoy it while it lasts. But I can't, so I will tell you.
Enjoy your children while they are young. Yes, you are dealing with potty training and tantrums and so many things, but trust me, it's going to get easier and harder at the same time. I can leave them without getting a babysitter. In fact other than the 1 time I hired a babysitter for The Princess, I haven't paid a babysitter in over 6 years. But now we deal with girls and hair and eye rolling and yelling and fights over computer time and the many, many, many temptations that Satan is throwing at them.
So go cuddle them and hold them close. Let them be silly and crazy. They won't be small forever. And neither will their problems.


Jean said... Reply To This Comment

I'm right there with ya..maybe not high school yet but middle school is a good start. It's certainly going to get a lot more interesting here on out. :)

designHER Momma said... Reply To This Comment

this is a great reminder. I always want to wish my way out of the stage I'm in right now - but this is a great reminder...thanks.

Angie said... Reply To This Comment

Thanks for the reminder. I try to tell myself to enjoy every second, but other times it's hard to remember that.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I'm going to give you the same advice right back. Being the grandma I want to tell you to go sit down by them and give them a big hug. They're still small so enjoy this phase. sooner than you think they'll be out of the house with children of their own and you'll long for these years, too. Enjoy every moment. It's not too late. --the mom's mom

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

let me give you the advice right back at you. sit down with your children and enjoy this time in their life, too. Soon they will all be gone from the house and you'll look back thinking the same thoughts. so enjoy these hectic times as well.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

ha ha i was that babysitter. i'll remember that for when i have kids

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