1. Was your pregnancy planned? Yes, we tried for 9 months
2. Were you married at the time? Yes.
3. What were your reactions? We were so excited!
4. Was abortion an option for you? Never.
5. How old were you? 23
6. How did you find out you were pregnant? Free pregnancy test at the hospital.
7. Who did you tell first? We told his mom first this time, then my mom.
8. Did you want to find out the sex? Yes. I had to know whether we needed to buy clothes or not.
9. What was your due date? October 24th.
10. Did you have morning sickness? Hardly at all.
11. What did you crave? Salty things. I ate a lot of Saltines.
12. What irritated you? I don't remember.
13. What was the sex of your second child? A boy.
14. Did you wish you had the opposite sex of what you were getting? Yes, I had my boy, now I wanted a girl.
15. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 40.
16. Did you have a baby shower? Nope.
17. Were they a surprise?
18. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Nope.
19. Where did you give birth? Almost at home or on the road, but we made it to the hospital, and I gave birth 6 minutes after arriving.
20. How many hours were you in labor? 3 1/2 hours.
21. Who drove you to the hospital? My hubby.
22. Who watched you give birth? My hubby. My mom was going to come, but I delivered too fast! The nurse delivered him because he wouldn't even wait for the doctor on call to arrive.
23. Was it natural or c-section? Natural
24. Did you take medication to ease the pain? No, it went too fast. I wasn't going to anyway.
25. How much did your child weigh? 8 lbs. 7 1/2 oz.
28. When was your child actually born? October 24th, 1996 at 7:03 a.m.
30. What did you name him/her? The Artist.


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