I have to say that I am enjoying the stage of life we are in right now. I have been through the baby stage and as much as I loved my babies (and would love to hold and snuggle one right now), I am really loving having my children be older. If The Doctor and I want to go out on a date, we tell The Teenager to make supper and The Chocoholic to watch The Princess and we leave. They know the rules, bedtimes and such, and we just leave. They are also instructed NOT to call us unless someone is bleeding. And they don't! It's wonderful.

Tuesday morning I took the Princess to preschool and came home to get in the shower. As I was getting ready to get in, I stopped and took notice of a funny noise in the house. I listened carefully and guess what it was?

It was silence.




No one bugging me, no one asking me to put on a Polly Pocket dress, no Wii or computer games filling the house with pointless music.

I took my shower and when I got out, I walked around the house in my towel, marveling at the fact that after 10 years, I could do that again. Once my oldest got about 5, I quit going around in a towel. Heck, I even have to wear a bra to go out of my bedroom! LOL

As I was doing my hair and makeup, I listened to the quiet and enjoyed being alone. And I marveled at the fact that these days will become more and more frequent. And I will be alone more and more.

And more.

Suddenly, I was sad. So I went and picked up The Princess from preschool and hugged her a little longer before I let her go.


Aprill said... Reply To This Comment

Wow. What a sweet post. I can totally feel the emotion.

Tia said... Reply To This Comment

I look forward to those days, too, but also try to cherish the time I have to spend with the kids now. I won't know what to do with myself with no kids in the house all day!

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