1. Was your pregnancy planned? Oh yes, we tried for 3 1/2 months.
2. Were you married at the time? Yes.
3. What were your reactions? We were so excited. We cried and hugged.
4. Was abortion an option for you? Why would this questions even be here?
5. How old were you? 20 (by one month!)
6. How did you find out you were pregnant? We suspected, and used a pregnancy test.
7. Who did you tell first? My mom, then his mom. Then everyone else we could tell!
8. Did you want to find out the sex? Kind of, but we didn't.
9. What was your due date? October 11th.
10. Did you have morning sickness? I was nauseous, but I only threw up if I ate my breakfast too fast.
11. What did you crave? Sweets.
12. What irritated you? No clue.
13. What was the sex of your first child? A boy.
14. Did you wish you had the opposite sex of what you were getting? I really wanted a girl, but I was so happy to have a baby.
15. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 50. I took the whole "eating for two" very seriously!
16. Did you have a baby shower? Yes, the place I was working for gave me one.
17. Was it a surprise? No.
18. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Just too much weight gain!
19. Where did you give birth? At the hospital.
20. How many hours were you in labor? My water broke at 3:30 a.m. and we immediately went to the hospital. 3 hours later, they put me on Pit because I hadn't started contractions yet. 6 hours and 43 minutes later, he was born.
21. Who drove you to the hospital? The Doctor (meaning my husband, not the person who did the delivery! LOL).
22. Who watched you give birth? Just my hubby. I didn't want any family in with me.
23. Was it natural or c-section? Natural
24. Did you take medication to ease the pain? We had taken Lamaze, so I was able to work through most of the pain. I did end up taking two 1/2 doses of pain killer, and wish I hadn't because all it did was put me to sleep in between the contractions, so I couldn't get on top of them.
25. How much did your child weigh? 7 lbs. 8 1/2 oz.
28. When was your child actually born? October 5, 1993 at 1:12 p.m.
30. What did you name him/her? The Teenager. LOL Not really, but if you know me, you know his real name!


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