Again, I apologize that there is mess all over. I am in the middle of that project, remember? You can see my ancient hand-me-down laptop that works just fine because I only use it for printing my pictures. Yes, I print my own. I have a program where I can make them nearly any size I want, from 1" x 1" to full page. And if I goof up, I can reprint the picture. And someday, when they fade, I can print them again. The cubbies help me keep things organized. I also use containers in the cubbies to help. Behind the white binder, can you see those clear plastic holders? Those are all my eyelets and brads. They are inside the holders in little cases that look like TicTac containers. They work perfectly! You can buy them at Walm-Mart. My dad made the cute clock.

This is the other half of my desk. I keep the desktop calendar there to use for scratch paper, and to do stamping and such. When it gets too grungy, I just rip off the top sheet and I have a clean one underneath! More cubbies to hold more embellishments.

This is under my desk. Top drawer is pens and pencils. Second drawer is glue and tape. Third drawer is scissors and cutters. Fourth drawer are Sharpies. I have a slight addiction! Fifth drawer is my small Cropodile and punches. Bottom drawer is colored pencils and glitter glue. I also have a bunch of stuff under the desk.

Okay, the drawers in the front have all my paper scraps. I keep everything that might be big enough to use. They are organized by color. Behind those drawers are more drawers! LOL These hold more embellishments. The drawers on the bottom hold more practical things like batteries and flashlights. The top 3 drawers to the left hold more embellishments. The bottom 3 drawers hold my cards (I am in a monthly card exchange group with my Mom). They are organized in gallon Ziplock bags according to category (Christmas/Winter, Love, Thank You, etc.).

These are bookcases that I got at a garage sale for a steal! They hold lots of things. I will name off what I can see. Oh, I know...let's play I spy! I spy...sticker letters, stamp pads, stamps, glues, stamps, page protectors and binders, stamps, binders, paper and notebooks, paper, craft sticks (more commonly known as popsicle sticks and tongue depressors), binders, ribbon, tea lights, scotch tape refills, Wish Bear, ribbon, and more organizers. LOL A star on the forehead of the first person who can find it all! :)

On top of the bookcases, is my 12 x 12 paper. I love paper. I have a hard time resisting. But there is a lot of paper out there that makes me think, "Really?" The boxes on top are from a monthly scrapbook kit club that I used to belong to. I was in it for 7 months. And how many did I get done? Well, you count. On the left are more organizing bins. Starting at the top and going clockwise, you can see my sewing stuff, paints, hot glue guns and glue, school supplies, and a bin holding fabric for aprons that are needing to be sewed.

On the back of the door, is my ribbon. I love how I organized this. That is jute they are hanging from. It is so easy to see what I need. And easy to get to ones in the middle too. They just slide right off.

Finally, this is the closet. In here is vinyl, gift wrapping ribbon, house decorations, boxes, my scrapbooking totes, old backpacks, baby blankets for gifts, a playpen, my game box, and lots and lots of gift bags.

This is how I organize my ribbon in the closet. They are just loosely tied around a hanger. Easy to see, easy to get off. And yes, those are shirts that need to be ironed. I hate to iron. I have broken my pinky toe ironing. These get ironed about once a year. The Doctor thinks it's such a treat when they show up in his closet! LOL
You have to realize that all the stuff was not bought all at once. I shop the sales only. I don't think I bought anything in there at full price. I can't. I don't have that kind of money! And remember, I have been married for 16 years. It wasn't until 3 years ago that I got this room. I started with just one corner of our family room and taught the kids not to touch.
So that is my scrapbook room.
Wow. I'm in awe of your organizational talents! Love the ribbon on the door idea...
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