This is my room, looking in from the door. I realize now that I should have cleared off the desk, but I am in the middle of a project and that is the beauty of having a scrapbook room. I don't have to clean up the project when I need to go do something else. I can leave it and come back to it later.

The is the room, part 2.

This is the room, part 3.
Okay, now for the tour. We will start by the door and head left.

This wonderful chest of drawers holds...movies and CD's. Nothing to do with crafting, but it's the only place for it. I hate it there, because I could really use that space! The cubby's on top hold embellishments. All the CD cases you see are my pictures on CD. When I dump the pictures off my camera, I IMMEDIATELY back them up onto not one, but two CD's. So I have 3 copies of them at all times. When we moved here, my hard drive died and I lost 4 months of pictures, including the last day of school at the old school. I learned my lesson! Sitting on the floor are papers to be filed, and a gift for a special girl in our ward who is going through a really hard time right now.

These are file drawers. I have my 8.5 x 11 cardstock filed by color, all my stickers and patterned 8.5 x 11 paper filed by category (baby, animals, family, Halloween, etc.). I do scrapbook in 8.5 x 11 because it is cheaper. I buy just the simple white 3 ring binders from Office Max and then using paper, I embellish how I want. I also use the clear page protectors from Office Max. Much cheaper! Each person in the family also has a file. There I put their awards, school papers, scout patches, etc. Then when I scrapbook, I just go and grab their file and I can put the papers with the pictures.

My dad made these shelves. Aren't they cute? On the bottom shelf are all my journals. I have written in a journal, nearly daily, since I was 14. I love to go back and read them. The next shelf up has embellishments. The pink box has all my double sided tape refills. The middle shelf has my Cricut cartridges. Also The Doctor's and my diploma's. That is another project...to get them in cute frames. The other two shelves have embellishments and decorations.

Top shelf has my printer and extra ink and photo paper. Also some old dried up flowers that I really need to get rid of. I dried them and now I don't even remember when I got them. The middle shelf has my Cricut, my big Cropodile and my light table. The floor has my Sissix and my tools. Yes, MY tools. And the boys all got their own toolboxes and tools for Christmas so they better stay out of mine! You can also see the TV and DVD player to the left. I love to come in here and watch chick flicks while I scrapbook. I shut the door and no one cares that I am crying!
Okay, that's enough for today. We will finish the tour tomorrow!
Wow, that is a lot of crap. oops I mean scrap..
I am just jelous.. I can't believe you have all that.. you go girl.
Awesome that you have a haven just for you. Love it..Id never want to leave.
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