Why is 16 such a magical number?  Why can't they spread it out more?  Driving and dating?  Really?
Today The Teenager turned 16.  He has been waiting for this day ever since he understood why girls were cute and cars were cool.  Age 15 was nice for him because he got his learner's permit, but Mom and Dad still had to be in the car.  Well, not as of today.  I took him down to the DLD and he got his license.  He is a good driver, I am not worried about that.  I am worried about those little lapses in judgement that we all have (ahem, driving down Lancer Lane trying to catch air at the intersection of 3200 W.!).  I just hope and pray that Heavenly Father will send many angels to sit by his side and keep him from doing anything too stupid!
But it doesn't stop there!  In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we don't date until we are 16.  And so The Teenager has been anxiously awaiting this day.  And I have been dreading it.  Let's talk about lapses of judgement, well..., let's not.  I don't want to go there!  LOL
Anyway, Happy 16th Birthday to The Teenager.  And by the way, I am so NOT old enough to have a 16 year old!  I swear I am still only 19!


Mom2mykids said... Reply To This Comment

Oh my gosh, I can SO relate to this! My dd will be 16 two months from today. I feel your pain. LOL. We will survive. I'm not old enough to have an almost-16 yo either (even though I didn't get married until I was almost 31 LOL).

Angie said... Reply To This Comment

I agree, why is 16 the magical number? It's such an exciting time for him though. Happy Birthday Taylor!

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